12 божьих коровок на пикнике
Забавная детская песенка и скороговорка одновременно.Попробуйте повторить!
Очень полезное упражнение! Текст песенки- под видео.
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve
Came to the ladybugs' picnic
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve
Came to the ladybugs' picnic
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve
And they all played games
At the ladybugs' picnic
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve
And they all played games
At the ladybugs' picnic
They had twelve sacks, so they ran sack races
They fell on their backs, and they fell on their faces
The ladybugs twelve
At the ladybugs' picnic
They fell on their backs, and they fell on their faces
The ladybugs twelve
At the ladybugs' picnic
They played jump rope, but the rope - it broke
So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes
The ladybugs twelve
At the ladybugs' picnic
So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes
The ladybugs twelve
At the ladybugs' picnic
One, two, three
Больше полезных и интересных бесплатных материалов для освоения разговорного английского языка : тренажеры, аудио- и видеопазлы, интересные задания, игры, озвученные книги и многое другое, вы найдете здесь!

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